

<span style = "font-size:12px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;font-style:normal;"><br />March 16, 2001 Newmarket Film Group<br />$25,544,867<br /> Domestic Box Office<br /><br /> After nearly every other studio passed on it, Bob saw the promise and path to a successful release. This crossover indie broke out reaching $25M domestic box office and launched filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s career. </span>
Y Tu Mama Tambien

Y Tu Mama Tambien

<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />March 15, 2002 IFC<br />$13,649,880<br />Domestic Box Office<br /><br />Alfonso Cuaron’s early passion project is the 5th Highest grossing Spanish Language movie of all time and launched the careers of Gael Bernal Garcia and Diego Luna. The film was not MPAA rated, allowing exhibitors to decide for themselves about the sexual content. </span>
My Big Fat Greek Wedding

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />April 19, 2002 IFC<br />$241,438,181<br />Domestic Box Office<br /><br />The highest-grossing romantic comedy of all time was also one of the longest-running theatrical engagements in history spanning an entire year. The release relied heavily on galvanizing group sales and guerilla marketing techniques to generate huge word of mouth. </span>
The Passion Of The Christ

The Passion Of The Christ

<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />Feb. 25, 2004 Newmarket Films<br />$370,274,604<br />Domestic Box Office<br /><br />The highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time, this groundbreaking independent film was released on 4700 screens with a staff of 25 people (compared to 400+ in a traditional studio). The film proved there was a commercial business for faith stories. </span>
Pan’s Laybrinth

Pan’s Laybrinth

<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />Dec. 29, 2006 Picturehouse<br />$37,634,615<br />Domestic Box Office<br /><br />Bob’s first big hit for Picturehouse launched the auteur side of Guillermo Del Toro. The team overcame positioning challenges and expanded the audience to include young fan boys. One of the first movies sold to Netflix by a theatrical distributor, resulted in one of Netflix’s first big hits.</span>


<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />Dec. 24, 2003 Newmarket Films<br />$34,469,210<br />Domestic Box Office<br /><br />Patty Jenkins' feature film directorial and screenwriting debut, Bob rolled the dice with a bold move to counter program a lesbian serial killer movie on Christmas Eve. Paved the way for Christmas Eve counterprogamming to follow and won Charlize Theron the best actress award. </span>


<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />April 1, 2011 FilmDistrict<br />$54,009,149<br />Domestic Box Office<br /><br />The most profitable film of 2011 launched a huge franchise and the directing and horror impressio career of James Wan. Acquired at TIFF’s prestigious Midnight Film Series, FilmDistrict gave the filmmakers the opportunity to reshape the ending which turned the movie around.</span>


<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />Sept. 16, 2011 FilmDistrict<br />$35,060,689<br />Domestic Box Office<br /><br />This iconoclastic and quirky film was a wide release risk worth taking due to Ryan Gosling’s breakout role and a cast of great actors including Albert Brooks as a bad guy. The movie defined the Elevated Genre Category, especially with Nicolas Refn’s Best Director win at Cannes.</span>
Manchester By The Sea

Manchester By The Sea

<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />Nov. 18, 2016 Amazon Studios/Roadside<br />$47,695,371<br />Domestic Box Office<br /><br />Gamechanger, shepherding in the era of the streamers by winning the first ever Oscar for Best Best Actor, Casey Affleck and for Best Original Screenplay, Kenneth Lonergan. The movie was a crossover hit in North America, defying predictions and winning 637 awards.</span>


<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />December 4, 2015 Amazon Studio<br /><br />Amazon Studios first feature film production was one of the first films to have a shortened theatrical window. Released on 305 screens domestically a mere 25 days before its streaming premiere versus the 90-day norm.</span>
The Big Sick

The Big Sick

<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />June 23, 2017 Amazon Studios/Lionsgate $42,872,467<br /><br />Overlooked by the big studios because of its un-Hollywood casting, Judd Apatow’s broadly appealing film became a sleeper success. Aggressively promoting Kumail Nanjiani, the first Pakastani-born actor in a leading role in a Romantic Comedy, proved audience appeal beyond standard archetypes.</span>


<span style = "font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><br />A re-imagined campaign due to the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic resulted in breaking new ground by releasing PVOD+Theatrical, making it one of the most successful films of 2020. Pioneered Pop-up Drive-in events in iconic locations to generate word-of-mouth paving the way for many other studios to follow. </span>